This presentation will review the five key components to effective Drug Court treatment. It is
important that the entire Drug Court team has a stake in treatment success and understand the
basics of what should be happening in treatment, along with how it should be integrated into the
overall program.
Session Objectives:
• Discuss the importance of and how to use the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment
recommendations in the Drug Court program.
• Understand the importance of Drug Court program offering a continuum of care and
evidence-based interventions, to support participant’s long-term recovery.
• Review the role of the Treatment Provider on the Drug Court Team.
• Discuss the use of therapeutic adjustments, when responding to participant behavior.
DeShona Charles is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Georgia and a Certified
Professional Counselor Supervisor. DeShona has over 17 years of experience as a counselor.
DeShona is the co-owner and service provider at Affirm Wellness, PC, in Snellville, GA, a full-
service counseling and consulting practice. DeShona has been a faculty member with the
National Association for Drug Court Professionals since 2017, whereas she helps train treatment
court teams on Best Practice Standards. Prior to transitioning to full-time private practice, DeShona worked across various metro Atlanta
counties and served in various roles amongst treatment court teams, including primary treatment
provider, case manager, and coordinator, from 2012-2021. Her experiences have included
working with Drug Court, Mental Health Court, and Veterans Court participants.
While each of her roles have produced very different experiences, these experiences have proven
to be beneficial in helping participants overcome the cycle of crime, substance abuse, and mental
illness. Her experience has also been helpful when sharing her knowledge with court teams to
help them enhance services provided to treatment court participants.